Sales Rec

A Candidate’s Checklist for a New Employer

Over the years, the list of things that a candidate looks for when searching for a job has changed in a few ways.

The ideas and ethics that a brand represent have been pushed to the front of this agenda for a lot of candidates – which is as true as ever in 2021.

While initial salary is still an important factor, lots of potential employees are also focussing on the long-term – with a goal to move up and gain more responsibilities.


New employees will undoubtedly be excited to make a start at your company – but you should bear in mind that they’ll be equally excited thinking about where your company can take them in the future.

They won’t want to get stuck in an unfulfilling routine, nor work for a company that already is.

If you want to consistently attract talent, make sure to project your ambitions as a company. You can reflect this on an employee-basis through the opportunity for promotions and pay rises.

Company Image

We live in a time where virtually everything made public about a company can be found, read, stored and re-shared with the tap of a button.

Making sure your company has a good name for itself will really shape the flow of candidates you receive (there won’t be huge amounts of people who will want to work with a company at the centre of a scandal!).

Positive company culture and good business ethics (e.g. sustainability and giving back to the community) will help build a great reputation.

What they get back (aside from salary)

While payment is still important for many candidates, a lot of companies are thinking outside of the box in terms of how they can keep employees motivated and engaged.

Including some attractive benefits is an important way to draw in potential employees and maintain your successful hires.

As has already been mentioned, company culture is key to your image – so make sure you pay genuine attention to the people working for you.

It’s important to know what candidates will be looking for in your company. At SalesRec, we have plenty of experience in pairing companies with top talent that share their values and ambitions – so don’t hesitate to get in touch at

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